Eating Tips to Help Ease IBS Symptoms

Eating Tips to Help Ease IBS Symptoms

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic inflammation of the large intestine that can lead to a lot of intestinal disorders, including bloating, cramping, diarrhea constipation, and abdominal pain. One’s diet plays an important role in aggravating the condition and suppressing it. Easing IBS with diet is easy when you know what to eat and what to avoid. Prefer homemade foods over takeaways Foods that you order from restaurants are made with large amounts of oil, grease, simple carbohydrates, and saturated fats. And easing IBS with a diet will be challenging when you keep opting for such rich and heavy foods for every meal. Instead, start cooking simple and wholesome meals at home. This will help you keep the condition at bay. Include probiotics in your food Probiotics are good bacteria. These help keep the gut healthy and ease the digestive process. Natural sources of probiotics are fermented foods like yogurt. If you do not prefer these, you can get probiotic supplements and have them every day. Over time, this definitely helps ease the symptoms of IBS. Try increasing fiber intake Some people who suffer from conditons like constipation find it better when they increase their fiber content. Fiber also keeps the digestive tract clean.
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Foods to Improve Breathing and Lung Function

Foods to Improve Breathing and Lung Function

Your lungs need to function at its full strength to keep you going. However, common external pollutants can affect your lungs and cause irreparable damage. You will face a lot of respiratory issues when your lungs are not healthy. So, here is a list of foods that improve lung function. Beetroots if you’re not a fan of beets, you might want to learn to love them right away. Did you know that beetroots are rich sources of nitrates? Nitrates are known to relax blood vessels, bring down blood pressure, and help you breathe in oxygen better. Pumpkin Another wonder vegetable in the list of foods that improve lung function is pumpkin. Pumpkins contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that keep the body active and healthy. The vegetable is rich in carotenoids, which are anti-inflammatory and have antioxidants. Studies show that people who smoke may have up to 25% lesser carotenoids in the body that can affect the lungs. Walnuts Walnuts are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These are also anti-inflammatory and have antioxidants that can fight a lot of respiratory problems, including asthma. Turmeric In the list of foods that improve lung function, one cannot forget the royal turmeric.
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Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Disorder

Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder causes one to have mood swings, and improving this would be the primary concern for people suffering from this disorder. The treatment might also involve the use of various medications. To enhance the overall health and help with mood swings, you must include certain foods in your diet. Adding these foods in your diet and balancing it with the right type of dietary supplements can be beneficial. So, let’s take a look at the diet that help bipolar disoder and depression. Chocolate Chocolate has a reputation for being one of the most effective mood boosters. Dark chocolate can be a good item to add to your diet, especially to help with depression. Dark chocolates preserve the goodness of natural cocoa beans. Make sure to avoid artificially sweetened chocolates and switch to dark chocolate. However, too much chocolate can also be bad, as caffeine is not good for people with bipolar disorder. It is all about balance Balancing the essential nutrients and eating a wholesome diet can make a huge difference. Avoid processed food items, and instead start including home-cooked foods that are loaded with fresh vegetables and fruits. Include a variety and stick with the concept of adding healthy portions of whole grains, legumes, and other items.
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Foods to Help Keep Ulcerative Colitis Flareups at Bay

Foods to Help Keep Ulcerative Colitis Flareups at Bay

Living with ulcerative colitis doesn’t have to be a challenge. All you need to do is make small changes to your diet and lifestyle. It is important to know what to eat when ulcerative colitis flares up so that you can adopt a healthy diet to avoid experiencing any amount of discomfort. Whatever may be the cause of your flare-ups, these food items can give you an instant feeling of relief. Hydration is key If you have not already started increasing your daily water intake, you should as soon as ulcerative colitis starts flaring up. If sipping on plain water is difficult, you can also include healthy fruit juices in your diet. Some sports drinks and fruit juices can provide quick relief to the irritation that occurs due to ulcerative colitis. With sports drinks, your body also gets the essential carbohydrates immediately, and this can even have long-term benefits. Smaller portions for better digestion Besides, you understand what to eat when ulcerative colitis flares up, you should also work on your portions. The three heavy meals that people normally eat might not always be the best for your body. People with ulcerative colitis might benefit from switching to smaller, more frequent meals.
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Foods to Help Manage Eczema

Foods to Help Manage Eczema

While there is no cure to treat eczema, one of the best ways to combat its symptoms is to follow an eczema-friendly diet that helps prevent and manage flare-ups. This inflammatory skin condition can be managed by eliminating certain foods that act as triggers while including foods that combat inflammation. Read on below to find some eczema-friendly diets to follow. Anti-inflammatory diet This diet is one of the most eczema-friendly diets to follow, and it helps people manage their inflammatory skin condition better. By including anti-inflammatory foods in their diet, people with eczema can experience lessening or reduction of eczema symptoms. Foods with Quercetin Quercetin, a natural flavonoid, is found in many fruits and vegetables and has anti-inflammatory properties. Fruits like cherries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, and vegetables, like spinach, kale, and broccoli, can be added to people’s diets. Beverages, such as black and green tea, also contain quercetin, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. A quercetin supplement can also be taken in consultation with your doctor. Fatty fish Fatty fish is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring can help fight inflammation in the body. Plant-based omega-3 sources include flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.
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8 Classic Cocktails That Bring Any Party to Life

8 Classic Cocktails That Bring Any Party to Life

When organizing a party, you can never go wrong with some classic cocktails. Here, you will find some of the classic cocktails for every occasion. Each recipe has a variety of liqueurs and cocktail ingredients. These popular bar cocktails will surely make your party a hit, keeping your guests’ spirits high. Old fashioned A simple-to-make cocktail, old fashioned is one of the oldest savory cocktail drinks and has appealed to drinkers for decades. The cocktail recipe includes a mix of bourbon or rye whiskey, a couple of dashes of Angostura bitters, and sugar. The cocktail, garnished with maraschino cherries, is served in a short tumbler. Martini Make a gin martini or a vodka martini; it is one of the many classic cocktails for every occasion. This cocktail can be made with ingredients gin or vodka, dry vermouth, and green olives. Stir all of these ingredients in a mixing glass and strain into a chilled martini glass garnished with olives. Margarita A popular party drink, margarita, can be made with tequila, triple sec orange liqueur, and lime juice. This sour cocktail is generally served with a salted rim and is mostly shaken or blended. This classic cocktail is a crowd-pleaser and a must in every menu.
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The 5 Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

The 5 Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

Breathing is the process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This is known as your body’s respiration process, whereas the lungs are utilized to facilitate this exchange of gas within the body. The technique of breathing is extremely important for the survival of the body. Breathing is the fundamental aspect of life. Healthy breathing is necessary to allow this transaction to proceed. Therefore when the body’s airway system is hindered with health issues like chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), allergies, asthma, heart disease, lung disease, or a condition of low red blood cell’s (RBC’s) known as anemia, then the act of breathing will become extremely difficult and may have disastrous results. This is the reason why creating and maintaining a daily practice of healthy food intake with the following foods is beneficial to your breathing: 1. Acidic foods and drinks Foods that contain a high amount of acidity like coffee, fruit juices, citrus fruits, spicy foods and tomato sauce will cause the body to be acidic. The problem with this is that accelerated rates of acid in the body will cause your body to have elevated levels of breathing rates. The need for the body to breathe heavily to survive could result in conditions of congestive heart failure (CHF).
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6 Foods That Keep GERD At Bay

6 Foods That Keep GERD At Bay

GERD, which is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a disease in which the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is affected. The (LES) lower is the round muscle between the stomach and the esophagus. Individuals with this condition experience having food in the stomach rise and enter the esophagus. Individuals who experience GERD may also have other complications or signs such as acid indigestion, heartburn, breathing problems, chest pain, bad breath, and regurgitation. Patients diagnosed with this condition will find the situation to be extremely uncomfortable. However, one fundamental way to ensure the body returns to proper digestion is by changing your diet. Here are the best foods to consume if you have GERD: 1. Ginger This has been one of the most popular remedies for GERD, and this is because it gives individuals fast relief. It has various healthy properties, and its role in digestion is widely known. It can also aid in digestion by absorbing any excess acidic stomach juices. It also plays a role in speeding up the digestion process so that gas accumulation can be avoided. Most importantly, it can even tighten the LES and prevent stomach juices and food flow into the esophagus. 2. Low acid/noncitrus fruits Melons, pears, apples, bananas are some fruits that are low in acid or either contain no acid.
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5 Foods That May Trigger Depression

5 Foods That May Trigger Depression

Everyone once in a while feels sad. The feeling is a normal thing to many, without knowing it could be the early sign of clinical depression. Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a severe mental health disorder that negatively affects how you think, act, and feel. The depression is due to stressful life events like grief, sickness, divorce, money, and job worries. Common symptoms of clinical depression include increased fatigue and sleeping problems, anxiety, withdrawal from activities you once loved, loss of appetite and weight, uncontrollable emotions, suicidal thoughts, and a hopeless outlook on your life. According to numerous researches, the following five types of food may make depression symptoms worse: 1. High-fat dairy products Many people love dairy products such as ice cream, cheese ricotta, and yoghurt. According to numerous reports, dairy products have a protein known as casein, which can lead to inflammation. Casein is associated with various psychiatric conditions, which range from schizophrenia to depression. It is advisable; if you experience any symptoms of depression, you should avoid dairy products for a certain period. 2. Processed meats Chemicals such as nitrate, nitrosamines, and N-nitroso compounds are essential in improving meat’s taste upon preservation. These chemicals pose the consumers at the risk of contracting diseases.
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5 Ways Coffee Benefits Health

5 Ways Coffee Benefits Health

Coffee, java, cup of Joe, morning miracle, lifeblood, rocket fuel, daily grind and my favorite, wake-up-juice…this beloved beverage has a lot of nicknames. Whatever name you give your coffee, it’s very hard to imagine a life without it, especially if you depend on it to start your day. There is a coffee shop virtually at every corner, if not two or more, in any major city nowadays, brewing this favorite drink in many different ways. However, coffee, in addition to being a stimulant, is also known to have other health benefits: 1. Protection against cirrhosis of the liver The analysis of an extensive study conducted on over half a million of men and women from six different countries, shows that increased consumption of coffee reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis. Results show that the more cups of coffee drank per day, lowers the risk of developing the disease. By numbers, two extra cups of coffee per day resulted in 44% lower risk of developing cirrhosis and 50% less risk of mortality in patients with existing liver cancer. 2. Coffee lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes According to a Harvard University medical study conducted over several years, increased consumption of coffee, which in this case referred to more than 1 cup per day, resulted in 11% less chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
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