5 Gorgeous Houseplants That Are Toxic for Cats

5 Gorgeous Houseplants That Are Toxic for Cats

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to ensure a healthy, friendly, and safe environment for your cat. While sometimes it requires adding new things in the house, you might also need to remove certain things from your home, like plants. Some plants may be great for natural home décor, but these gorgeous houseplants are poisonous for cats. Let us look at five such plants.

  • Lilies

Lily is an umbrella term used for various lilies, and almost all of these gorgeous houseplants are poisonous for cats. Although Easter and Stargazer lilies can be used around many animals, they are toxic for felines. Ingestion of lily might cause severe vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite. Every part of a lily plant is hazardous for cats. If timely treatment is not provided, your cat might develop kidney failure, and this can even lead to death.

  • Monstera

Counted as one of the trendiest houseplants, Monstera Deliciosa also has toxic elements that can affect your cat’s health. Insoluble calcium oxalates present in these low maintenance houseplants can cause severe symptoms of oral swelling and vomiting. Other symptoms include excessive drooling, burning around the lips and mouth areas.

  • Jade plant

Also known as Dollar Plant, Chinese Jade Plant, and Friendship Tree, these plants are believed to bring good fortune in people’s lives, but unfortunately, not for cats. Its thick, rubbery, and tiny leaves are attractive to look at, but due to many toxins, these gorgeous houseplants are poisonous for cats. Signs of ingestion include severe vomiting, slow heart rate, serious depression, and lack of coordination.

  • Aloe Vera

This low maintenance plant, also referred to as Medicine Plant, Barbados Aloe, and Aloe Vera, is a prevalent sight in nearly every home. The gooey liquids in aloe leaves are used for treating various skin-related illnesses, including sunburn, redness, and itchiness. But these are valuable only for humans, and if your cats ingest these leaves, it might result in vomiting, red-colored urine, and diarrhea.

  • Snake plant

Another popular houseplant that is a staple in many homes is known for improving air quality. These plants require minimum care and are best suited in low-light conditions, but unfortunately not suitable for your feline-friends. A toxin called Saponin is found in snake plants, and if a cat ingests these toxins, it might lead to nausea, vomiting, and severe diarrhea.

Along with these gorgeous houseplants that are poisonous for cats, dumb cane, elephant ear, corn plant, sago palm, and pothos are some other toxic plants to be aware of if you are a cat owner. Knowledge of such poisonous plants will help you in making your home safe for cats. Consult your vet immediately if you suspect that your cat has ingested any toxic plants.