Popular Treatment Options for DVT

Popular Treatment Options for DVT

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition where your body develops blood clots in deep veins. This usually happens in the legs, can be extremely painful, and in a few cases, the blood clot can dislodge itself and reach the lungs, turning fatal. Here are some of the popular treatment options for DVT.

  • Compression stockings – Compression stockings are one of the basic treatment options for people with DVT. These are suggested for patients who have small clots or for clots that are not at the risk of moving to the lungs. These stockings are tight and prevent swelling and inflammation. These also regulate blood flow in the affected area and slowly help dissolve the existing clot.
  • Blood thinners – Blood thinners are also called anticoagulants. These are very popular treatment options for DVT in the country. These drugs can be given in the form of pills or injections. These temporarily reduce the body’s ability to clot and prevent the existing clot from getting bigger and newer clots from forming. Depending on how severe the clot is, these medications are prescribed for a few days to up to several months.
  • Thrombolytics – This is one of the other popular treatment options for DVT that is opted when the clot is bigger or is at risk of getting dislodged. In this option, the doctor may give thrombolytics through an IV line or, at times, the injection is sent via a catheter to the exact place of the clot. These drugs can cause severe bleeding in a few individuals, and patients need medical monitoring for a few days.
  • Filters – Filters are a part of surgical procedures used when the clots are too big to treat with pills and injections. In this popular treatment option, the doctor fixes a metal filter like device into the Vena Cava vein that goes to the abdomen. This is done to prevent the clots from reaching the lungs. Filters prevent the risk of death due to DVT.
  • Venous Thrombectomy – Another procedure in the list of popular treatment options for DVT is Venous Thrombectomy. In this process, a surgeon removes the clot in a vein. This procedure is also used on patients who cannot be given anticoagulants due to other existing medical conditions. Venous Thrombectomy has a success rate of 70% to 100% in the country.

All these popular treatment options for DVT are highly successful and risk-free. When DVT is diagnosed early on, it is easy to cure it with the simplest treatment options. When you notice signs like swelling, pain, cramping, and inability to walk, make an appointment with your doctor right away.