Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Disorder

Foods to Help Manage Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder causes one to have mood swings, and improving this would be the primary concern for people suffering from this disorder. The treatment might also involve the use of various medications. To enhance the overall health and help with mood swings, you must include certain foods in your diet.

Adding these foods in your diet and balancing it with the right type of dietary supplements can be beneficial. So, let’s take a look at the diet that help bipolar disoder and depression.

Chocolate has a reputation for being one of the most effective mood boosters. Dark chocolate can be a good item to add to your diet, especially to help with depression. Dark chocolates preserve the goodness of natural cocoa beans. Make sure to avoid artificially sweetened chocolates and switch to dark chocolate. However, too much chocolate can also be bad, as caffeine is not good for people with bipolar disorder.

It is all about balance
Balancing the essential nutrients and eating a wholesome diet can make a huge difference. Avoid processed food items, and instead start including home-cooked foods that are loaded with fresh vegetables and fruits. Include a variety and stick with the concept of adding healthy portions of whole grains, legumes, and other items. Size down the amount of caffeine, alcohol, and high-fat meat in your food. Pick food items that would help in regulating your blood pressure.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Fish oil is one of the most popular sources of omega-3 fats. It is also present in salmon, sardines, and most seafood items. This can have a positive influence on one’s mood. It leads to a balanced mood for those who suffer from extreme mania and depressed phases. For vegetarians, walnuts can replace meats. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acid. It is also low in cholesterol and would, therefore, not affect your blood pressure.

Beans for folic acid
Folic acid can keep a check on the levels of homocysteine, which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on your mood. Therefore, most of the diets that help bipolar depression include a generous portion of beans. There are several types of beans that can be added to your diet in many ways. Including them in your diet every day can fulfill your body’s daily recommended dose of folic acid.

Cut down those refined sugars
Cutting down on the intake of sugar can be a huge step towards mental wellness for those with bipolar disorder. It can improve your mood and also stabilize your mental health in many ways. You can easily replace refined sugars with fruits and other naturally sweet items.

Knowing these diets that help bipolar disorder and depression makes it easier to care for your loved one who has been diagnosed with this condition. A good mix of a healthy diet and physical exercises can be good for the physical and mental health.