Erectile Dysfunction – Causes and Effective Treatment Options

Erectile Dysfunction – Causes and Effective Treatment Options

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) prevents men from achieving or maintaining an erection while indulging in sexual activity. The disorder not only prevents patients from getting sexual satisfaction but also results in low libido and might affect their confidence and self-esteem as well. Several warning signs can help recognize the condition, and multiple treatment plans can help manage it to help people lead a normal life. Let’s look at what causes ED and effective treatment options for the condition:

Causes of ED

  • Health-related causes : Erectile dysfunction can occur due to various reasons that range from age-related illnesses to physical conditions. The condition can primarily develop due to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, high blood cholesterol levels, excess smoking, regular consumption of alcohol, being overweight, and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Emotional causes : The causes and treatment options for ED are also based on the patient’s emotional health. Issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and conflicts in personal and professional life can aggravate the condition.
  • Physical causes : Heart-related problems, diabetes, and several other health issues can lead to reduced blood flow along the penis, leading to ED. Additionally, when the nerve in the penis gets damaged due to an injury or disease, it fails to recognize the brain’s signals. The treatment of diseases like cancer along the pelvis area can also affect the functioning of the organ and trigger sexual health problems.

Treatment options for ED

Recognizing the causes of the condition is the first step to zeroing in on a suitable treatment plan. The treatment options available for ED include:

  • Oral pills : The causes and treatment options for ED comprise medicines like sildenafil, tadalafil, avanafil, and vardenafil. These medicines are known to boost the effect of nitric oxide, which is a natural chemical present in the human body that works toward relaxing the muscles present along the penis area. Besides, these oral pills boost blood flow to the penis.
  • Penis pumps : This treatment is helpful for people who don’t intend to opt for medication. In this treatment, the penis is hardened by utilizing a vacuum pump that pulls blood along the penis, and the erection is sustained by putting a tension ring along the base of the penis to restrict the flow of blood and keep it rigid.
  • Surgery : This treatment method involves getting an inflatable or bendable rod surgically planted along both sides of the penis. Penile implants are usually suggested when other treatment options fail to provide the desired results.
  • Regular exercise : Following a healthy diet and exercising regularly helps reduce the risk of developing ED, and it also aids its treatment.

There are several causes of and treatment options for ED, but identifying a suitable treatment plan for an individual is important to effectively manage the disease.