5 Common Symptoms of Hemophilia

5 Common Symptoms of Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare disorder that results in the blood not clotting properly as it lacks blood-clotting proteins (clotting factor). As a result, individuals with this disorder will bleed longer after an injury. There are different types of hemophilia: hemophilia A is a factor VIII deficiency, hemophilia B is a factor IX deficiency, and the rarest type, hemophilia C, is a factor XI deficiency. There is currently no cure for the bleeding disorder, but there are some medications and treatments such as plasma-derived factor concentrates, hemophilia B gene therapy, Hemlibra, and more. Here are 5 common symptoms of hemophilia: 1. Excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries In a normal injury or cut, bleeding will typically subside after a few minutes or so—if they’re deeper cuts, it can take about 20 minutes. It is able to stop bleeding so quickly thanks to blood clotting at the area of the cut, a way to prevent excessive bleeding. However, in patients with hemophilia, their lack of blood-clotting proteins results in cuts and injuries that can bleed excessively. Small cuts usually aren’t of concern in these patients, but bigger, deeper gashes can be distressing if they bleed for too long. 2. Many large bruises Patients may notice large bruising after small bumps.
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6 Common Allergens That Can Trigger Anaphylaxis​ In Children And Infants

6 Common Allergens That Can Trigger Anaphylaxis​ In Children And Infants

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening issue that results due to the consumption of misidentified proteins, and the immune system sends a rapid release of inflammatory mediators. Many parents worry as allergies in the first few years of life often go unknown until they are triggered by an introduction to a new food. In addition to having allergies, they can induce other issues such as allergy nasal polyps, asthma, sinusitis, and more. What’s more, medications to treat allergies can get expensive, but luckily there are some options for discounts on allergy relief medicines. Here we will look at the common allergens that can trigger anaphylaxis in children and infants that you should be aware of: 1. Insect venom (bee stings) For non-allergic individuals, bee stings and other insect venoms can be painful, itchy, and cause swelling. As a common allergen, you’ll want to watch your child for an allergic reaction if they have been stung for the first time. Common allergic reactions to insect venoms include symptoms like swelling less than 10cm that can last up to 24 hours or even a week, or more severe symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in rare cases, circulatory collapse. 2. Peanut For some, peanuts do not even need to be consumed to trigger an allergic reaction—sometimes skin contact or even inhaling the scent of a peanut can trigger it.
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Early Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Early Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer occurs when healthy cells in one or both kidneys continue to grow out of control and form a tumor. There are many types of kidney cancer, but the most common form in adult patients is renal cell carcinoma, which if left untreated can develop into stage 4 renal cell carcinoma and require aggressive treatment. In most cases, renal cancer stays in the kidney but may spread to other organs, such as the lungs, brain, and bones. Treatments for renal cell carcinoma include surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy with medications such as Inlyta (be sure to consult doctor’s Inlyta prescribing information closely before taking any medications), and other medications like Opdivo. When kidney cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the symptoms can be managed easily. The following symptoms are prime indicators of kidney cancer: 1. Blood in the urine (or hematuria) According to the Kidney Cancer Association, Hematuria is the most common early symptom of kidney cancer. As indicated, kidney cancer mostly affects the renal tubules responsible for cleaning the blood and making urine. When they are dysfunctional, their ability to clean blood is compromised. The presence of blood in urine is sometimes difficult to notice and can only be detected through urinalysis.
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5 Impacts Of Skipping Or Delaying Vaccinations

5 Impacts Of Skipping Or Delaying Vaccinations

Skipping or delaying vaccinations can be harmful, especially if it’s someone who is more vulnerable or susceptible to illness, such as children, elderly, or the immunocompromised. There are risks all over the world, no matter where you are—humans are not invincible to illnesses. Although we have great medicine and clinical trials that enhance our knowledge on health often, it is very important to get vaccinations on time and not to skip them. There are clinical trials such as the CureVac clinical trial that seek to prove the effectiveness of vaccines, so if you’re concerned, take a look at real studies that can demonstrate the benefits and safeness. Here are 5 impacts of skipping or delaying vaccinations that will show you why getting them on time are so important: 1. Medical implications The risks for being unvaccinated don’t stop at severe illness or disease, if your child is unvaccinated, this can present issues in their future. For example, there are different treatments for those who are unvaccinated versus those who are. At every visit to a hospital, you must alert staff of vaccination status to receive the proper treatment, but most doctors are mainly educated on health and medicine in vaccinated individuals.
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5 Lupus Symptoms in Women that Affect the Whole Body

5 Lupus Symptoms in Women that Affect the Whole Body

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own organs and tissues. Symptoms include rashes, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, mouth sores, memory problems, and more. Luckily there are some treatments to help manage these symptoms, such as the lupus infusion medication Benlysta, Riuxan, Cellcept, and Medrol. Lupus is most commonly diagnosed in women within childbearing ages, 15-44. The disease can cause damage to any organ in the body and result in a variety of symptoms, even some that affect the whole body. Here are 5 lupus symptoms in women that affect the whole body: 1. Sun sensitivity With lupus, patients are much more sensitive and susceptible to UV radiation damage. Typically, when cells in the body are damaged, the body clears them for you with the immune system; however, with lupus, the clearance of cells becomes much slower. Not only does sun exposure trigger skin rashes, itching, and burning, but without proper cell clearance, the dead cells in the body can trigger an entire immune system attack. That’s why it’s so important to wear sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, and other protective items to keep you safe from the sun. 2. Unexplained fever With lupus, your body experiences a lot of inflammation and infection, which can then cause a fever.
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6 Eye Signs of Hyperthyroidism

6 Eye Signs of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much of the thyroid hormone, causing symptoms like weight loss, irregular heartbeat, hand tremors, and more. Hyperthyroidism can also result in symptoms that affect the eyes in a variety of ways. Luckily, if this condition impacts the eyes there are a few treatments that can help, including infusion therapy, corticosteroids, orbital radiotherapy, and eyelid retraction repair. If you’re worried you may have hyperthyroidism, here are 6 eye symptoms and signs to look out for: 1. Eyelid retraction Eyelid retraction is the most common eye sign of hyperthyroidism. This can be attributed to increased stimulation of the Muller’s muscle, which functions to keep elevation of the upper eyelid, by the thyroid hormone. It could also potentially be caused by scar tissue forming between the muscles and tissue around the eye. 2. Dry and gritty feeling With hyperthyroidism, your eyes may experience a dry and gritty feeling that is itchy and scratchy—this is due to the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the eyes. The constant pressure of the inflammation is what causes the strange sensation and may also result in redness and swelling. You may want to speak to your doctor about getting eye drops.
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Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Living with dry eyes can be a daunting experience. Many people worldwide suffer from this condition, leading them to constantly look for solutions. Some find relief in getting “Dailies Total 1” contacts, an innovative craft available online, specifically designed to reduce dry eye symptoms. However, contacts are not the only solution, especially if you’re looking for the best contacts for dry eyes. To help you out, we have compiled a list of 10 effective home remedies for dry eyes: 1. Keep hydrated Water is the simplest remedy for dry eyes. Keeping your body hydrated also keeps your eyes lubricated. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. This not only aids in overall health but also helps to maintain a healthy tear film on the eyes. 2. Warm compress A warm compress can help stimulate tear production and alleviate dry eyes symptoms. Soak a clean cloth in warm water, wring out the excess water, and gently place it on your eyes for about 10 minutes daily. 3. Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce dry eyes symptoms. You can get omega-3 fatty acids from food sources like fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.
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6 Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer

6 Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer develops from growths, or polyps, in the colon’s inner lining. It is important to catch precancerous polyps and have them removed—if left untreated, the cancer may spread throughout the body. Catching it early on also makes treatments like the colon cancer clinical trials with MD Anderson, medications like Opdivo, and the Vectibix immunotherapy treatment much more effective. It’s valuable to be aware of these early symptoms of colon cancer: 1. Blood in stool While blood in stool may not always be colon cancer, it is certainly a reason for concern. If you notice blood in your stool, after wiping, or your stool is a dark or bright red, it is important that you check in with your healthcare provider. 2. Changes in bowel movements and habits If you have chronic diarrhea or constipation, or you feel as though your bowels are still full after using the restroom, you should speak to your healthcare provider. Any abnormal changes in your bowel movements or habits should not go unnoticed or unreported. 3. Abdominal pain Many things can cause abdominal pain; however, it is an early symptom of colon cancer. With polyps, constipation, or bloating (all are results of colon cancer), it is likely that you will experience abdominal pain.
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5 Common Early Symptoms and Causes of Gastric Cancer

5 Common Early Symptoms and Causes of Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the stomach. Although diagnosis rates have declined, gastric cancer still remains one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide. Gastric cancer treatments include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, endoscopic mucosal resection, gastrectomy, and the advanced gist medication, Stivarga. As with any cancer, it is important to receive an early diagnosis to have the most effective treatments and positive outcomes. Here are some early symptoms and causes of gastric cancer: 1. Indigestion or heartburn If you experience a burning sensation in your chest after eating, this is known as indigestion or heartburn. Indigestion can be an early symptom of gastric cancer and you should see a doctor if you are experiencing it persistently. 2. Abdomen pain or discomfort Pain or discomfort in the abdomen can be a result of gastric cancer. With this type of cancer, the lymph nodes in the back of your abdomen can swell and cause pain, or if the cancer has spread to the peritoneum that lines the abdomen, this can also be a source of the pain. 3. Nausea and vomiting If you experience nausea after eating or vomiting, in particular solid food shortly after eating, this can be a sign of gastric cancer.
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Early Symptoms of Liver Cancer

Early Symptoms of Liver Cancer

There are several types of liver cancer, including hepatocellular carcinoma (the most common), and less common types like intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and hepatoblastoma. Liver cancer, if undiagnosed and untreated, can spread to other areas of the body and be potentially fatal. What’s more, liver cancer can lead to liver disease, or liver cirrhosis, as a result of damaged liver cells being replaced by scar tissue. Liver disease causes additional symptoms, with itchiness being one of them, and liver disease treatment on top of cancer treatment can be very hard on the body. As such, it’s essential to watch for these early symptoms of liver cancer to catch it and treat it before it progresses too far: 1. Itchy skin As previously mentioned, having liver cancer puts you at higher risk for developing liver disease as the damaged liver cells become replaced by scar tissue. Brought on by liver disease, itchy skin may be experienced due to a higher level of bile salt build-up underneath the skin. If you have chronically itchy skin, do your best not to itch as it can make the symptom worse by breaking the skin—seek medical advice from your doctor and take steps to prevent skin irritation.
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