The Most Common and Rare Types of Lymphoma

The Most Common and Rare Types of Lymphoma

Cancer that develops in the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland of the body is called Lymphoma. The condition takes away the body’s ability to fight infection and disease. Additionally, this tumor can grow in any part of the body considering lymph nodes are present across the body. There are various common and rare types of Lymphoma and are broadly divided into two categories called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Some of the common and rare types of Lymphoma are as follows: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – This is one group of Lymphoma that originates in the B cells and T cells of the body. The B cells are responsible for developing antibodies so that the body can fight infections. The T cells, on the other hand, not only make antibodies, but also aid in fighting viruses. This type of cancer mainly grows in the lymphatic tissues and lymph nodes, but can spread to the blood and bone marrow. There are also several common and rare types of Lymphoma present in this category. Common forms of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma- Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma – This type of cancer affects one among three people suffering from Lymphoma, and it is mostly found in aged people.
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Rare and Common Types of Leukemia

Rare and Common Types of Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells in the body, and there are many different types of this disease. The categorization is done depending on the blood cells; it affects and the rate at which it progresses. Read on to know more about rare and common types of Leukemia that one can develop. Rare and common types of Leukemia Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: This is a common form of cancer that affects the infection-fighting white blood cells. In this, the bone marrow produces too many anomalous lymphocytes that crowd out other blood cells. It is acute cancer that can grow very quickly, spreading to the nearby lymph nodes and other organs. It is most common in children below 5 years of age. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia: This type affects the white blood cells known as myeloid cells. It is also acute in nature, such that it spreads quickly. Also known as Myeloblastic Leukemia or Acute Non-lymphocytic Leukemia, this can occur in both children as well as adults. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: This is a slow-progressing form of cancer that may not exhibit any symptoms in people for years. However, there is also a form of this Leukemia that progresses more rapidly.
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Causes and Effective Treatments for Asthma

Causes and Effective Treatments for Asthma

Asthma is a breathing disorder characterized by the narrowing of the airways. This results in the production of extra mucus, which makes breathing difficult. It also triggers the symptoms of coughing and wheezing. For some people, asthma can be severe enough to interfere with their daily activities. The condition cannot be cured; however, its symptoms can be managed. In this article, we will understand the common causes and popular treatment options for asthma. Cause of asthma Exposure to different types of irritants can trigger the symptoms of asthma in people. It is important to understand that the triggers may vary in different people. Some of the common triggers include: Respiratory infections such as flu and the common cold Airborne allergens, such as pollen, dander, mold spores, dust particles, particles of cockroach waste Too much physical activity Air pollution and irritants such as smoke Very cold air Certain medications, including common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, aspirin, beta-blockers, etc. Heightened emotions or stress Preservatives added to certain types of foods or beverages, such as processed food items, dried fruits, shrimp, beer, wine, etc. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD that causes the stomach acid to back up in the throat Treatment for asthma If you are looking to understand the causes and popular treatment options for asthma, you must know that identifying your triggers and avoiding them is the key to maintain your quality of life.
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Symptoms and Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Symptoms and Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is treatable when this disease is diagnosed early. It is important for women to understand the symptoms and treatment options of cervical cancer in order to be able to deal with the condition. Women over 21 are recommended to get a Pap test and HPV (human papillomavirus) test done once a year, which checks for abnormal cells in the cervix. Symptoms of cervical cancer Usually, during the early stages of cervical cancer, women do not experience any symptoms. These start showing when the cancer becomes large in size and grows into nearby tissue. Some of the common symptoms are: Vaginal bleeding in between periods, bleeding after vaginal sex, bleeding after menopause Unusual vaginal discharge, which may contain some blood and occurs between periods or after menopause Pain during sex Pain in the pelvic region Advanced stage of cervical cancer may show other symptoms including: Pain or swelling of legs Trouble urinating or having a bowel movement Back pain Fatigue Weight loss After the results of cervical cancer screenings, you can talk to your doctor for symptoms and treatment options of cervical cancer. Below are some common types of treatments for the disease. Surgery Depending on the stage and type of cervical cancer, different surgeries may be performed.
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Common and Rare Symptoms for Colon Cancer

Common and Rare Symptoms for Colon Cancer

In most cases, colon cancer is diagnosed at the later stages, as the early signs of the condition are most often confused with non-cancerous gastrointestinal disorders, such as hemorrhoids, ulcers, and Crohn’s disease. However, if symptoms persist for more than a few weeks, it is advisable to seek medical help. Some common and rare symptoms of colon cancer: Common symptoms It should be noted that in the initial stages of this condition, there are no common and rare symptoms of colon cancer exhibited. Abdominal pain Sharp pain in the abdomen could be caused due to the blockage or perforation of the bowel. Chronic pain, bloating, and cramping could be symptoms of colon cancer. Nausea and vomiting could also be caused due to a growing tumor. Fatigue Fatigue is a common symptom for most forms of cancer, as your body tries to fight it. Tiredness that does not resolve even after rest could be due to internal bleeding or anemia. Changes in stool color and shape Among all the common and rare symptoms of colon cancer, this is probably the most indicative of the condition. Stool that is very dark or black or has traces of blood in it should not be ignored.
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Breast Cancer – Stages, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Breast Cancer – Stages, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women after skin cancer. It affects about every 1 in 8 women. In this article, we will discuss the stages, symptoms, and diagnosis of breast cancer. Stages, symptoms, and diagnosis of breast cancer: Stages Breast cancer is staged depending on how large the tumor is and how much it has spread. Some of these stages are: Stage 0 Also known as ductal carcinoma in situ, cancer is only present in the ducts of the breast and does not spread to the surrounding tissue Stage 1 Stage 1A The tumor is less than 2cms in width, and the lymph nodes are unaffected. Stage 1B There is no tumor is less than 2cms, but cancer has been detected in the surrounding lymph nodes. Stage 2 Stage 2A The tumor is less than 2cm and has spread to about 1-3 lymph nodes, or it is 2-5cm and has not spread to the nearby lymph nodes. Stage 2B The tumor is 2-5cm and has spread to 1-3 lymph nodes present in the armpit (axillary node), or it is bigger than 5cm and has not spread Stage 3 Stage 3A The primary tumor could be of any size, and cancer could have spread to 4-9 axillary lymph nodes.
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Common and Rare Signs of Hepatitis C

Common and Rare Signs of Hepatitis C

In some cases, people with Hepatitis C exhibit symptoms quite quickly after getting infected. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 80% of those infected with an acute form of this condition will experience no symptoms. Listed below are a few of the common and rare signs of Hepatitis C. Common and rare signs of Hepatitis C Common symptoms These symptoms can range from mild to severe and are usually reported six to seven weeks after exposure to the virus that causes hepatitis C. The early signs of a hepatitis C infection are usually mild and feel like the flu. These signs include fever, loss of appetite, and tiredness. Early signs of acute hepatitis C Most people with acute hepatitis C do not exhibit any signs or symptoms. The symptoms, if they do occur, appear one to three months after exposure to the virus. They include: Nausea or vomiting Stomach pain A yellow tint to the skin and eyes, also known as jaundice Changes in urine and bowel movements, such as dark-colored urine or clay-colored stool Muscle and joint pain Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C In some cases, it could take six to ten years for signs and symptoms to be exhibited, and for the infection to be detected.
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Foods to Avoid for Gout

Foods to Avoid for Gout

There are various kinds of foods that include purines, this compound when broken down by the body leads to the creation of a chemical known as uric acid. The compound is a waste product that gets eliminated naturally from the body. However, when this chemical is not removed from the kidney due to several factors like diabetes, obesity, and metabolic issues, it leads to a condition called hyperuricemia. The disease causes pain along the joints and increases the acidity level of blood and urine. Here’s the list of food that reduce uric acid levels, if eliminated from the diet: Restrict your purine intake To manage a high level of uric acid in the body, avoiding purine-rich meats like red meat and vegetables proves helpful. Alternatively, you can include peanut butter, nuts, and other food that reduce uric acid levels in the body and help prevent aggravation of the disease. Limit sugar and alcohol intake The intake of alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks is directly linked to an elevated level of uric acid, as these drinks cause possible weight gain, high blood sugar, and other metabolic issues. However, you can adopt wholesome food that reduce uric acid levels like fiber-rich smoothies as well as filtered water to filter out impurities from the body.
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Causes of ADHD and Foods to Help Alleviate Symptoms

Causes of ADHD and Foods to Help Alleviate Symptoms

In the country, about 6.4 million children have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder better known as ADHD. However, ADHD can be diagnosed in adults too with about 4% of adults dealing with this condition. This article discusses the causes and diet tips for ADHD. Causes and diet tips for ADHD Causes of ADHD Although the exact causes of ADHD remain unknown, there are a number of factors such as genetics, environment, or issues with the central nervous system that could increase the chances of developing this condition. Some of these are: Genetics It has been seen that if a parent has ADHD the chances of their child also having the condition is about 50%. Hence, there are some genetic factors that are passed down from parent to child. Issues during pregnancy Children with low birth weight or those born prematurely are also at higher risk of developing ADHD. Also, women who smoke or drink alcohol when pregnant have a higher chance of having a child with ADHD. Exposure to toxins Prolonged exposure to certain substances such as lead or pesticides could interfere with brain development and function and cause hyperactivity, issues with concentration, and impulsive behavior. Injury to the brain Injury or trauma to the brain can increase the risk of developing ADHD.
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Anemia – Warning Signs and Diagnosis

Anemia – Warning Signs and Diagnosis

There are many types of anemia and it is the most common blood condition in the country affecting about 6% of the population. People with long-term health issues are more prone to developing anemia. Discussed here are some of the early signs and diagnosis for anemia. Early signs and diagnosis for anemia Early signs Some of the early signs of anemia could be so mild that you might tend to ignore them or mistake them for symptoms of other health conditions that you could be having. These include: Headache Shortness of breath Dizziness or light-headedness Fast heartbeat Pain in either your bones, chest, joints, or stomach Tiredness Weakness Children and teens diagnosed with anemia could have issues with growth Cold hands and feet The signs and symptoms of anemia could also vary depending on the type of anemia, the severity of the condition, the underlying cause of the anemia, and other health issues such as cancer, hemorrhaging, etc. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia A hunger or craving for unusual substances also known as pica such as paper or dirt. A sore mouth with cracks at the corners Nails that are curved upwards also known as koilonychia Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia Issues walking Stiffness in the arms and legs A tingling sensation in the hands and feet Symptoms of anemia caused by chronic lead poisoning Abdominal pain Constipation Vomiting A blue/black line on the gums Symptoms of anemia caused by chronic red blood cell destruction Red/brown-colored urine Yellow skin and eyes Leg ulcers Sickle cell anemia Fatigue Being prone to infections Pain in the joints, limbs, or abdomen Symptoms of anemia caused by chronic red blood cell destruction Bruising under the skin Seizures Abdominal pain Diagnosis In addition to asking about yours and your family’s medical history, the doctor might ask you to undergo the following medical tests to check and confirm the early signs and diagnosis for anemia.
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