5 Foods That May Trigger Depression

5 Foods That May Trigger Depression

Everyone once in a while feels sad. The feeling is a normal thing to many, without knowing it could be the early sign of clinical depression. Clinical depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a severe mental health disorder that negatively affects how you think, act, and feel. The depression is due to stressful life events like grief, sickness, divorce, money, and job worries.

Common symptoms of clinical depression include increased fatigue and sleeping problems, anxiety, withdrawal from activities you once loved, loss of appetite and weight, uncontrollable emotions, suicidal thoughts, and a hopeless outlook on your life. According to numerous researches, the following five types of food may make depression symptoms worse:

1. High-fat dairy products

Many people love dairy products such as ice cream, cheese ricotta, and yoghurt. According to numerous reports, dairy products have a protein known as casein, which can lead to inflammation. Casein is associated with various psychiatric conditions, which range from schizophrenia to depression. It is advisable; if you experience any symptoms of depression, you should avoid dairy products for a certain period.

2. Processed meats

Chemicals such as nitrate, nitrosamines, and N-nitroso compounds are essential in improving meat’s taste upon preservation. These chemicals pose the consumers at the risk of contracting diseases. Those with depression symptoms should avoid processed meat and instead take fresh meat and soup to rejuvenate.

3. Fried foods

When you fry your food, it appears delicious and tasty. People use corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil to fry their foods. Excessive consumption of fats triggers inflammation. Oil causes cardiovascular diseases, cancer, thyroid dysfunction, and depression. People suffering from depression should, therefore, look for other alternatives like boiling or roasting their foods. It is more depressing to know that you are at risk of dying due to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other illnesses.

4. Candy and pastries

Many people, especially children, love sugary snacks. Excessive intake of sugar can lead to addiction. Once you eat sugar, be it candy or a portion of pasta, it instantly increases your blood sugar. Such sugary foods increase the level of sugar in the blood. As a result, insulin production occurs at a high level to help reduce blood sugar levels by converting glucose into fat and starch. A spike in insulin causes blood sugar to crash. Cortisol, the stress hormone, comes in and moves the sugars in the bloodstream. The process, known as reactive hypoglycemia, causes headaches, anxiety, irritation, and depression.

5. Refined cereals

When stressed, many people run to refined foods because they are sweet and crunchy. It is proven, refined foods spike blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of depression. The good news is that eating a whole grain diet decreases the risk of depression. Therefore, refined foods should be avoided, especially for those suffering from depression.

Dealing with significant depression symptoms can sometimes be difficult, but that does not mean you have to live with the condition forever. Though it takes time to go back to your normal life, it is possible to get rid of depression if only you accept your situation and follow the doctor’s prescriptions strictly. Avoiding the above foods can help in the recovery process. Depression is not a death sentence, it is beatable, and there is a high possibility of restoring good mental health.